
Boddington's Recipes

Red Onion Relish and Goat’s Cheese Tarts


225g plain flour
100g butter
Fresh thyme leaves
Sea Salt
2-3 tbsp cold water

Tart filling:
Boddington’s The Red Onion Relish
Goats Cheese

Rocket Leaves
Boddington’s Berries Strawberry Vinegar
Sea salt

Tart cases

Step 1
Preheat the oven to 180°C/gas 4.

Step 2
Firstly, make the pastry. Add the leaves from the thyme to a bowl with the salt, flour, and butter. Rub the mixture until it resembles breadcrumbs. Add 2-3 tbsp of cold water and mix, until the mixture forms a dough.

Step 3
Wrap the dough in clingfilm and place it in the fridge to rest for 20 minutes.

Step 4
Once ready, roll the pastry to the thickness of a pound coin. Cut out a circle slightly bigger than the tart cases.
Place the circles of pastry into the cases and prick the base with a fork. Bake for 15-17 minutes at 180°C until the bases are golden.

Step 5
Once cooked remove from the cases and leave to cool.

Step 6
Put the walnuts onto a tray and roast for 3-5 minutes with salt, pepper, and a tbsp of oil.

Step 7
Spoon some Boddington’s Berries Red Onion Relish into the tartlets and sprinkle with goat’s cheese.

Step 8
Return the tarts to the oven for 5 minutes (until the cheese has melted).

Step 9
Pour some Boddington’s Berries Strawberry Vinegar into a bowl along with some broken up walnuts, season with sea salt. Add the rocket leaves and toss gently to cover.

Step 10
To serve, gently remove the tarts from their cases and place them onto a plate. Add a generous handful of the Strawberry Vinegar salad and enjoy!

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