
Boddington's Recipes

Raspberry Ripple Profiteroles


142g plain flour
113g unsalted butter
4 medium eggs
237ml cold water (1/2 pint)

Cream filling
200ml double cream
50g caster sugar
50g Boddingtons Raspberry conserve

50g white chocolate
25g dark chocolate

Handful of fresh raspberries


Piping bag + nozzle
Baking paper + tray
Wooden spoon
Glass bowl


Step 1
Preheat the oven to 180 °, gas mark 4.

Step 2
Start by making the profiteroles; heat the water in a pan and add the butter and leave to melt. Add the flour and mix until combined to a thick, smooth paste. Leave the mixture to cool in the pan for around 5-10 minutes.

Step 3
Lightly beat the eggs and slowly beat into the cooled mixture until all the egg is fully combined.

Step 4
Spoon the profiterole mixture into a piping bag and twist the end of the bag so no mixture can escape. Pipe onto a lined baking tray, around the size of golf balls. Dip your finger into some cold water and tap down the tips made on the top of the profiteroles using your fingertip; this will help to give them a more consistent shape.

Step 5
Place your tray into the middle rack of the oven (to prevent burning) and bake for 25 minutes or until golden in colour.

Step 6
Whilst they are cooking, whip the double cream with the sugar in a bowl until the cream thickens (until stiff) and then fold in the jam until it is fully incorporated. Be careful not to over whip the cream otherwise, it will separate.

Step 7
Once the profiteroles are cooked, make a small hole in each with a food pick to around 0.5cm diameter (so you can fit the small nozzle of the piping bag into the profiteroles).

Step 8
Once they have cooled completely, put the cream mixture into a new piping bag and pipe the cream into the profiteroles using the hole created by the food pick. Melt your 50g of white chocolate in a bowl over a saucepan of water. Once this is melted leave to cool for 5 minutes before dipping each profiterole into the chocolate to cover one side of the profiterole and leave to set.

Step 9
(Optional) For decoration melt your dark chocolate the same way you melted the white chocolate and spoon into a piping bag and cut a small hole in the end of a piping bag and drizzle over the profiteroles. Place a few profiteroles onto a plate and serve with the fresh raspberries!

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